Horoskopi ditor, 22 maj 2013

Female is able to utilize mardh enies have 2 times more than kenaqqesi partner because ....

It is scientifically proven by several researchers in Latin America that has a female gender privilege more in terms of amenities. Mardhhhenie exactly a common female is able to satisfy the 2 times the partner of his. During the conference, which is giving scientists have responded very few questions initeresuarve. Ma below the kalltra n'germat Osee be n'figurren maposhte shkenctarve answers.>

Is breaking records "Yes t'shoh divergence"?

Ka kaluar vetëm një dite nga lansimi i këngës më të re “Po t’shoh permas” nga hip hop grupi më i njohur shqiptar, Tingulli Trent. Si gjithmone është hip hop grupi shqiptar i udhehequr nga Geti që sjell risi në muzikën shqiptare, por kësaj here për dallim nga herët e kaluar bëhet fjale për thyerje të rekordeve në faqen më të famshme për video Youtube. Diku mbi 358.291 klikime ka arritur kënga të ketë për më pak se 24 orë nga lansimi, kjo është një rekord klikimesh në tregun e muzikës shqiptare. Te kontaktuar ArkivaShqip, menaxher për videot në Youtube theksojnë për portalin Spektri.info që: ” Klikimet janë të bllokuara nga ana e Youtube, dhe sipas statistikave tona, kënga do të kalojë mbi 400.000 klikime për një ditë, që padyshim është rekord për industrinë e muzikës shqitare”. Kjo është kënga e pare shqiptare që arrinë një numër kaq të madh klikimesh për një kohe tepër të shkurtë, gjë që deri më tani nuk e ka arritur asnjë këngë shqiptare. Milionat janë të sigurta, por vetëm pritet të shihet se a do te arrije për një javë te ketë 1 milion klikime!?

Alketa ng: Edi is my idol permanent

Convention on the second day of the Socialist Party has introduced ng Alketa recognized that the public has come to suprizojë its media presence. At the start of the presentation she held a speech about the reasons why he was there. "I'm not socialist, but one thing is sure that it will vote for Albania, Edi Rama, I am convinced that in Albania the rejuvenated left and right will be able to gdhihen ngrysen of free will without fear Edin be with or against him. I hope that he is our new Prime Minister. It is an image of my adolescence, my generation, the only politician who can calmly think my vote. I was 14 when I first met this character. I can tell you that it is the only culture minister who can remember ", - said Veisiu. "I believe that it changed Tirana, Albania will change", - said the ng. "Transformed into a capital Tirana wind that keeps Europe. He is a man reborn and restored Tirana Albania's capital lost between compost. I believe that my vote does not seek power but to follow the dream to transform Albania into the country deserve ", - confessed ng, presenter of" The X Factor "in" TV Klan. "

Here's what makes journalism from Kosovo Arian Cani (VIDEO)

Moderator famous Arian Cani Free Zone has fallen prey to game shows journalist Blerim Peci Meselation from Mitrovica, who is the author of The weekend program on RTK. Arian Cani has repeatedly refused to give an interview on the pretext that there is not much time, and journalist from Kosovo has become a very short interview with the pretext that there is no more time for the interview, leaving the stunned Cani. We are used to seeing as Arian Cani embarrass his guests, and this time it is his turn to prove this sensation. / Albeu.com /

The heaviest in the world.

The heaviest in the world.
Next time you complain about the hard work that you, colleagues or boss unfriendly rude, think about the list of works that brings National Geographic, and which can be life-threatening.
Fisherman tons – These fishermen have the highest rate of mortality in the “workplace”.
Coast Guard – Every day risk their lives to save others.
Worker in oil extraction – Extraction of oil and gas platforms in the sea is one of the most dangerous and severe (working out 12 hours a day with high material flammability)
Recessive mine – Each job has to do with mine, can easily become deadly.
Helicopter electrician works in conductors – most work is performed without gloves, so their work is very dangerous.

Fast and Furious 6 live movie

See fast and furious here
