How to keep a strong memory

1 - Read the books. In this way not only will your brain a workout by imagining different time periods and cultures, but will have interesting stories to tell. 2 - Play games. Games are the best way to challenge the brain. So crosswords. Electronic games improve brain speed and memory, after all rely on mathematics. 3 - Use the opposite hand. Spend the day doing things that do not use hand and hold the clock in the opposite hand to remember. 4 - Learn phone numbers. 5 - Eat for your brain. This means that you have to concentrate on fish oils, salmon, walnuts, almonds and olive oil. 6 - Move away from the routine. Change where you shop customer, you eat things like eat first, attend local surely been before, because it will make your brain to wake up from habits and pay attention again. 7 - Switch by a different route. Spend or travel in different ways, it helps to train your brain memory. 8 - Learn a new skill. In this way, the memory becomes more valuable as you learn new things, you can do as before. 9 - Make a list. Making lists helps you to connect items with one another. In this way you play with your memory whenever food list, words, activities of the day. 10 - Pick a new skill. Find something you like and that does not cost much. Pictures with a digital camera, learning to draw, learning a musical instrument, learning different styles of cooking, dance, make brain activity to be all the time.