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Reading from licking the hand has its roots from the ancient past. Regardless of whether or not you believe in what you speak hand, reading the lines of the hand of all is part of curiosity and entertainment that even our ancestors worshiped. Licking your hand has three main lines. The love is at the top of smacking, head line between smacking and life line at the end of smacking. Over the life lines may change along with personality, attitudes and your experiences. So, life is what determines the appearance of smacking and licking is not what defines your life. For example, traumatic experiences can easily create line cuts the head. Reading the hand smacking is not a forecast. It also will not tell you what will happen, but just remind you of something that has already happened. The line of love - Love your line has to do with all the emotions and situations that are associated with love. It is located on the head line and life, exactly under the fingers. If the line starts immediately below the index finger, then you are happy with your love life. If it starts under the middle finger, shows selfishness and materialism when it comes to love. If the line is straight and short, have high sexual desire and are not very romantic. If the line starts right between the index and middle finger, it means that your heart rate easily.