"Miss Durres": You discover the fiery relationship with Noizy-n ...
Daniela Pajaziti, 17-year-old beauty, passionate relationship with reperin.Daniela shows Pajaziti, 17-year-old durrsake declared "Miss Durres", over a year has been fortunate to be one of the most talked about girls in the world of miss-ing and Albania's showbiz. We have seen as models in sfilata in Albania, Kosovo, Milan Fashion Week in December etc.. While today it is one of 20 contenders for the crown of "Miss Albania 2013", which will be held soon in 'TV Klan'. In a sincere confession "Bluetooth" Beauty of Durres, comes to explaining what is said about her connection to Noizy-t. And the truths behind the scenes of this complex relationship, but at the same time special.
You talked a lot about privacy. You think it hurts your career or favors?
Do not like that my private life to be discussed so much of it back. In my early fiction is more about the possibility of my connections, which have proved to be unconfirmed rumors of me. I'm open man, admit to communicate with my audience everything, everything that goes on to show.
Is it true that it is developing a passionate connection with Noizy-n?
Oh Noizy, Noizy ...! How much to ask! You like you know much about it. I understand that curiosity, that his fans are numerous. And I'll tell you: it is a sweet man I met love to give endless ... He will remain special to me because it is a man with a big heart and full of positive energy.
How are you familiar with Noizy-n?
In a set photographer Armand Sallabanda camera. He was extended the invitation to accompany girls in long-SET Noizy a magazine cover. Meet you there, we exchanged addresses and personal contacts and friendship that continued through the night 'Facebook' Regulation, sms etc. tel.
How long have you been together?
We have a year to get acquainted together and believe that it shows too. Maybe we are different from what others have predicted that bet on the impossibility of connection between me and Noizy-t.
Noizy-known to nature, even himself stated that the women go to bed. Are you one of them?
This is what they do not know personally perceive through the news, but in reality it is quite different. Noizy woman appreciates the maximum, so does with me ... It makes you feel like a Paris Hilton in Albania ... Indeed, there is a quality guy who comes from a family with values and not as stated so. We do not have this kind of degradation with each other, have an enviable report.
Immediately say that he develops several parallel connection, you know that?
You say something with more conviction: Noizy does not belong to these men, and I assure you that the media has many hiperbolizuar the negative part, because it does not participate in character or his family tradition. I have a family fortune to know him and his friends, and he never seen and commented on the shortlist to Noizy have many contacts or about the same time. This is, or is fabricated from different women to gain media attention, or to throw mud on his image. But, believe me, I am super happy to be by his side.
The stories told by women for VIP? For whom?
Yes, show me the VIP contacts with many names, but I believe it is better to ask yourself Noizy-n, because it is a very personal matter not directly related to me. However, many female characters, VIP or not, have chosen to afeksionohen after him, and, in a period when their careers have nothing yield, being near his benefits and maximum attention ... This is the truth.
How many times have you slept with?
Op, op ... I do not like these questions to -16. I do not want to answer.
How Noizy in bed?
I lack the desire to answer again. However I can say that has not felt up in smoke fame ...
What fame has come?
That is very careful in relationships with women.
Where usually stay in the hotel or in his house?
Outside the house, in quiet environments, beach, bar, club.
Get together in public, or have secret meetings?
Absolutely go together, but our public meetings are very friendly.
Are you jealous of? Yes it for you?
I hold the utmost respect, tired jokes and sometimes exaggerated his nerves. It is somewhat capricious, but ... Anyway.
Has dedicated a song so far?
I do not like this, it is important to focus time.
How important is sex in your opinion in a relationship?
Not at all, before it has to do with the purity of feelings without terms and conditions.
What do you want to present? What do you wish?
My desire of always being on stage is the realization of one of the two main pillars of my career, and the rest of my performance is occupation. And my profession would be formed with a good education. During my experience in 'Miss Durres', I was fortunate to win a full scholarship from the EUT. My choice is between two branches very cordial of Justice or that of CFM (public relations and communication), then will decide at the last moment. But whichever choice at a time close to the other chooses to do to complete my image as a public figure.
How would you rate your experience in 'Miss Durres'?
My experience in 'Miss Durres', will remain a good omen and a good start, that Daniela, what wants to be definitely achieves. I was fortunate that I support a friend of mine, Leo and my family, to be part of this spectacle. Fate made me to be and winning the 'Miss Durres'. Still need to make you aware that security and self confidence are two features that characterize and if he chooses to be part of a competition or show, always make sure that before you get involved to give my best and I am always keen 1-shi or otherwise chooses not përfshihem. I choose to do in life, what I do know better, and I just made. I chose to be part of the beauty shows, because I believe that I give my best there. What I want to achieve, I invite you to follow me!
Sacco is durrsak Hygerta that has come to be the "Miss Albania". As you think, will have this luck?
Although the Hygerta Sacco is crowned 'Miss Albania' I was very small, I know that history may be repeated .... Why not? What have not been lacking for me 'Miss Albania'? However, we must recognize that it is still early days and until the finalization of the spectacle of beauty 'Miss Albania''s, have much time until September ... But I promise you and all citizens durrsake, to shine in all the elements to make a decent performance ...
You're ready to become famous? If so, what do you think to do it?
My fame has just begun to crystallize, because I have a crown on his head, like 'Miss Durres'. I have experience with a modeling scene. I would rather be on television soon. Professionals have called screen as a television quite figure but also very communicative with the public. However, I want to connect my fame, not only the image of being a beautiful woman, but also willing to engage in any activity that would be served within that framework that recognizes and television scene. Later, I think my name will be linked to Justice. A judge Miss, how do you look? I want to be that, after 10 years ....
In the world of showbiz's out doing everything for fame. From exits nude scandals connected to the often split. What would you do for fame?
I would not do such things to be famous. I have the impression that such scandals are excessive and not give fame, but bad name in your image as a public personage, however Daniela refuses to fall prey to the five churches scandals.
Of course, there are compromises everywhere, everywhere can compromise to achieve or to do a particular job, but not compromises that violate the dignity and personality of the person. With the dignity of others is not the game, the more fame.
I mean, have you thought of breaking a taboo, or will simply remain in the style of beauty?
I will do something different from all that have seen Miss. I will soon get involved in organizations and foundations in the protection of people and children in need, for I give input to this layer of people who expect more from the others. It will be a starter as a human being so rewarding, because in the end we will stand as people remember what they want to give to others and not for what they are.
Miss-et accused are not intelligent, he felt and you have these prejudices?
I can answer that there are many girls who argue the contrary, I am one of those who save a combination of both, a normal age wit and charm have enough to be miss.
You're a beautiful woman who often gets compliments. Have there been times when you have offended?
Of course, being a public person miss, the more the female gender will have unpleasant rivalry and sayings. I impressed my size, my height. There are those who like to be 1.85 cm, there are many who think that this length is excessive, however it is important to have an effect, noise, wherever I am ... This is it!