The desire to have white teeth is rënësishme for many people. Therefore, taking advice from the dentist, you will be able to ensure your qëdhëmbët will be of great white for a long time. Tooth bleaching “power bleaching ‘in dental clinic
This is the optimal method for bleaching teeth, where the entire procedure is performed in the clinic and by the early dentisti.Në done by cleaning pastes and fur? S, the surfaces of the teeth to be clean, then the dentist did insulation gum gel for the defense of njejtit.Materijalet that mostly used are fading as I hirogjenit 35% peroxide and carbamide peroxide with 37% who applied the vestibular surfaces, by which under the influence of lambës elekrike ” ACCELERATED-light “, with a duration of 20-30 min achieved the effect of bleaching the teeth, where the patient is advised to make use of that procedure after toothpastes that contain 30% xylitol, in order to remain white teeth for a longer period . Household methods of teeth whitening at the dentist’s recommendation. Tooth bleaching Patient makes itself at home taking suggestions from dentisti.Procedura mainly carried out at night but can also be done within the day, the period of several hours. Through special spoons, work is done individually for each model where individual spoon then formed to fit the shape of the teeth and jaw and on the same gel applied hydrogen peroxide or peroxide Patient karbamidit.Njëkohësishte recommended that before applying the gel to make cleaning teeth with pasta with a duration of 3 min. All this procedure is easy for any individual, but other than a shortage compared with the first method is that kosta of this is much higher and the possibility of injury to teeth and gums is greater.