Caution! The world is threatened by a deadly new virus

A new virus that can be transmitted between humans by close contact, is on the horizon threatening the world. The World Health Organization says it looks like a new coronavirus (NCoV), is taking lives and causing pneumonia or renal insufiçencë. Ministry of Health in France confirmed that a second person has the virus apparently from man to man contact. The second patient in France is a 50 - year-old, who was in a hospital room with a 65 - year-old, who was ill from the virus after he returned from Dubai. While two people in Saudi Arabia is reported to have died from the virus. It is learned that since 2012, there have been 33 confirmed cases in Europe and the Middle East and 18 deaths while WHO has expressed concern about the potential of this virus to përhapur.Ky virus, which is not clear if a mutation or an infection that is passed from animals to humans, was initially found in Saudi Arabia and Jordan and is widespread in Germany, Britain and France.