Top s*x with a 13-year-old, the child: "I went willingly, but I knew I was not married"
A 33-year-old from the town of Korca, married and father of a minor child, 13-year-old had the initials KA and had resulted in a rented apartment where he held throughout the night. The girl, living in the village Libonik, returned home to his parents in the early morning hours and under pressure from parents, said he had been with her boyfriend Emiljan Dine, brother of Drsnik reeve, a person with previous precedents the 13-year-old penalëPrindërit have denunciation in Korca Police Station, alleging that 33-year-old has sexual intercourse with their daughter, who is underage.
"We had a little time to know each other and despite the age difference, I felt for him. I liked and we had little time to connect. Come see me always in the village. I went willingly with him, that I loved, but I knew I was not married. He is not guilty, "- said 13-year-old to the police.