Rikja either by introducing you to bed Illyria but fails to convince him ...
Illyria you have located the bedroom and also ses to embrace wants to know why she was standing so far away sometimes, and other times very close.
Rikja of leave and after hearing one of banal expressions of Illyria, away from him, pointed to the umpteenth time that he is corny.
They tend to be clarified, but while entering Anaidi and Rikja goes near it, to make “peace“ after endless games between them. Illyria feel bad the way left and enters Rikja to discuss this with Elonën. “Whenever I go to talk to, once again hang the whole joyful nose. I had ten minutes to sqarohesha was trying to tell me with the “Run away“, while the adjacent Vigan, “said Ilir for qejfmbetje to Rica.
While later Rikja goes in and asks to speak to Illyria clarified, but refuses Illyria. She goes to bed nearby and wants to show what he has to behave in that way, but Ilir refuses to speak with him. “You was flattered that I left with Anaidin?“, She says, while Illyria refuses to give any answer. “Ike introduction sleep,” he says at times, although Rikja asks to go talk in the