A holiday completely different from what we are used to seeing so far. Such was the 45th anniversary of the famous Arian Cani moderator, who gathered Saturday we left behind, the club "mummy", his friends better. Not only to celebrate the anniversary of his own, but also to enjoy the "live" performance topless Dj Katusha.
The guests at this celebration were many personalities of public life, as Olldashi Ben Blushi Blendi Fevziu, Alexander Frangaj Andi Bushati, Armand Shkullaku, Zamir Mane, Vera Grabocka, Ermal Mamaqi and Ami, Dr.Flori, Diana Gixhari , Suela Konjari with the Metropolitan Theatre actors, Genc Fuga and Eni Jan, Floriana Garo etc..
Was reserved for the guests of the club part Vip's, but some of them were bound to other people, to enjoy the evening even more.
Photos that brings "Albanian newspaper" Arian Cani display as it is. The complexes and free from bias, by kiss the wife's knowledge by embracing together with the Dj Katusha