Illyria, as the winner of BB6
One of the show realiti-Albanian track "Big Brother 6" is almost to an end. While remaining within someone stronger competitors, and for another they have the best out of the house. While our newspaper tried to contact all residents who experienced this race and remained isolated from the outside world for many weeks in this famous house.
Some of them wanted to talk or at least give a name capita, which is inside as the strongest competitor to see winners from those who had confessed to us, whose opinions we bring you the following. And specifically they are women, which the coexistence in 'Big Brother' are already out their favorite view that winner.
Jonilda Asllanaj-BB6: "My desire is to win Illyria, which is the best and sincerely wish a great victory."
Altina Kusari-BB6: "Big Brother 6" I think we need to win Illyria, because there is a strong character, he does not debates are subhuman level, but have significant weight and background, knows the boundaries and limits. "
Etleva GEGA-BB6: "I would like very much and I am convinced that the final go Illyria, bird and Elona ... and I would love to win Illyria, because it is an interesting, strong and typical for such formats. But you can also win Anaidi, due to the weekly nomination, which has favored pretty, then it is from Tirana, will win a once tiranas BB. Fitoftë best, and above all he fitoftë the public will. "
While the game is getting more difficult, in Saturday's shows not all former members of the game that are disqualified accept to be present. But, who will win 'Big Brother 6', we reiterate remains of this year's slogan "Nothing is as it seems."